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MattaCode Studio


Below are some of the games I have developed.

FS Formation Skydiving

Formation Skydiving is a set of formations skydivers need to perform during competitions.


This app provides you with :

Choose manually which formation draw you would like or choose a random draw.
Change the category from AAA to Rookie to see what points are included in competition
You can view from any angle whilst they fly the formations.
Change the speed in which they fly.
Random draw generator
Change the flyers suit colour to see more clearly who is in what position.

Watch Demo Here

Project Wraith

This game is an online multiplayer game FPS.

With different game modes including search and destroy and unique visuals when inspecting the guns this game gives an edge. 

 Many different load out kits available to make this game more interesting. 

This game is near its final development stages and final testing and release date should be soon. 

Watch promo video here